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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 1, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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that's all the time we v. thank you for with -- for being with us. see you back here soon. >> this is the five. the general election is on. the g.o.p. officially has a nominee, and there are now only 67 days left in the race for the white house. today mitt romney was supposed to stump in virginia with his running mate, paul ryan. instead he made a trip to louisiana to look at the damage from hurricane isaac. president obama heads there on monday. today the president addressed troops at fort bliss. he's gearing up for his party's convention next week. we'll preview the democratic
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national convention later in the show but here are highlights from mitt romney's speech in tampa last night. >> now is the moment where we can stand up and say i'm an american. i make my destiny. we deserve better. my children deserve better. my family deserves better. my country deserves better. this president can ask us to be patient. this president can tell us it was someone else's fault. this president can tell us that the next four years he'll get it right, but this president cannot tell us that you're better off today than when he took office. the centerpiece of the president's entire reelection campaign is attacking success. is it any wonder that someone who attacks success has led the worst economic recovery since the great depression? in america we celebrate success. we don't apologize for success. if i'm elected president of these united states, i will work with all my energy and soul to restore that america, to lift our eyes to a better future,
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that future is our destiny. that future is out there. it is waiting for us. our children deserve it. our nation depends on it. the peace and freedom of the world require it, and with your help, we will deliver it. let us begin that future for america tonight. thank you s so very much. may god bless you. may god bless the american people, and may god bless the united states of america. >> american people, meet mitt romney. so quite a night last night. eric, what do you think? a lot of navigatio analysis butg matters up until this point. >> mitt romney looked very presidential but we realized one thing last night. he's tough. he's capable of making a good decision in paul ryan. he's persevered through the cheap shots, the low blows, the accusations. on a personal note, my mother, the last word she ever said to me, she said never quit. there's no quit in mitt.
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mitt romney is not a quitter. he showed it last night. >> i thought he was very solid. he did what he needed to do which was show that he can do a better job than president obama. and on a personal note he told a lot of stories which human niezd him and showed he's not an evil, cold, callous tin man from the left that they would like you to believe. i'm happy and pleased he didn't take the bait on his religion like a lot of folks on the left wanted him to. he didn't have to defend his relationship with god. only one critique that i had of him is i would have liked to hear a little bit more about what he would have done because up until that point, so many of his surrogates did such a good job telling the stories of how mitt is a successful fixer, but i would like to hear because he's the top of the ticket some specifics on his agenda. otherwise, i thought it was a knock out of the park. >> greg, what did you think? >> i would say it was a standup double. not a knock out of the park. it was safe. it was solid. it was smooth. he's like -- he was he lik likee
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political ex-lax. trying to get america going again which we need. i was going to say ducolax. i didn't know if anybody knew what it was. kimberly did for some reason. >> great. >> it's a contrast between practical goals and soaring rhetoric. you didn't find much soaring rhetoric. there were a few good shots but the understanding now these days is soaring rhetoric is like laughing gas. there's a momentary feeling of pleasure. when it wears off, there's the pain and soaring rhetoric just doesn't work. >> red rock. >> red rock. >> bobby? >> a couple things. he gave a very good speech which with you expect he would do. i was surprised, for example, he could have taken out two or three agencies and said they're gone. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> that was policy, though. >> i see your point. >> two things i would say about it was he was a pace too fast,
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but they wrote a good speech for him. he is not the kind of guy as we said yesterday, you don't expect him to sore. that's not what he is. the single best thing he did was franklin this morning to go to new orleans. >> that was outstanding. a great point. >> i'd like to follow up. what i did take away from that. you listen to mitt romney speaking and you look at a guy who's a very successful businessman. he's able to make the right decision. he may or may not have founded the company or put it together or was the best engineer, but he knew who to hire, he knew how to manage, and he was very confident on the podium. you look at him as a successful ceo and a successful ceo of the country. >> he seems very presidential. i had a moment on the floor and i was looking at him and you see the banners and the pictures. you thought wow, if you went to central casting, you couldn't find a better guy that looked presidential, and he sounded strong and steady. this guy is almost too perfect. the family looks perfect, like all the kids when they came on
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the stage. is it such a bad thing to choose perfect? why fault the man because he's qualified and because he sounds good and he's strong and steady and he's not a showman, he just wants to get the job done? >> kim, if you're going to be somebody who is a successful businessman, it seems to me you say here are the things i want to do, and i still think if the answer to the question is did he make a sale last night? the answer is not quite. >> bob, i actually agree with you there. that was my one issue because he knows exactly what he wants to do. if you go to his website, if you listen to him speak before, he's gone into detail. he has a 57-point plan on how to fix the economy. i'm not asking for that kind of detail last night because that would have lost the audience but still, you're right. he could have given more specific examples, and i know it's not his style to take on the president really hard core, but i would have liked a little more offense on president obama. >> there were some moments, but i would have liked to hear more. >> i think there were two key moments there when he contrasted
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obama promising to deal with the oceans and mitt saying i will deal with the family. he was again contrasting a man who lives in the practical world versus an academic who never, you know, was responsible for a profit in his life. also when he says he doesn't want american known for dictating to other countries, but freeing nations from dictators, and again, that places the idea of anti-exceptionalism versus exceptionalism. president obama's progressivism distorts problems as solutions. he wanted to chase and downsize america, and mitt romney says no, you've got it in reverse. the things that are great about america aren't the problems. >> the one thing that dick said, you've got to be careful. the republicans have had now a rap on them about going in there to take care of dictators and wars. the republican party is best to be isolated and back home. >> can i throw this in here? >> yeah. >> look at the three days
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worthed of speeches. you had marco rubio, chris christie, ted cruz, a bunch of young republicans. mitt romney looked like, and we'll go to the metaphor. he was the ceo of the upand coming g.o.p.. >> he was so enthusiastic when rubio spoke. he was able to weave in and tie in his family backgrounds. he said my father worked behind the bar so i could be in front of the podium. it was really moving that for the first time there was a coalescing of the young up and comers. this was the leader. this was the man they chose and was forced to endure or support but felt truly genuine, that he was best qualified. >> what else are they going to do? >> did you feel it was authentic? marco rubio was great. >> you're in the republican convention, and that's what you do. >> it was very moving for me. >> for me, rubio brought tears to my eyes. >> thank you.
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me, too. >> i'm not sure if you said it on the air, but you conceded that republicans up until now really haven't had a deep bench of diverse and up and coming talent. this convention showed that we have one. the democrats are nibbling at their nails, and i'll tell you the line that made me emotional is when he said that his father reminded him how easy to forget, how special america is, and there's no limit to how far you can go because he, marco, was an american, and my father used to say all the time you have no excuse, andrea, but to succeed. you speak the language, you have an education. if i could do it, you should never give me an excuse why you can't do it. hearing him last night, i had chills. >> andrea, i'll say one thing. he did not, frankly, reach the soaring rhetoric of a lot of people who came before him who are, when i told democrats, when we're left, with all due respect to andrew cuomo and joe biden and hillary clinton, the generational gap has not exactly been handed down, but the
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question again is did he make a sale. i do not feel he made a sale. he looked to me like you're too young to remember this, but when harry truman ran, there was the man on top of the wedding cake, the republican, smith, and he looked every bit like the president last night, and every bit like the man on the wedding cake. >> we want to get to something. there was another movie moment with dana. we were sitting with her when jeb busch spoke and what he said to say sticking up for his brother. >> mr. president, it is time to stop blaming your predecessor for your failed economic policies. you were dealt a tough hand, but your policies have not worked. if the fourth year of your presidency, a real leader would accept responsibility for his actions and you haven't done it. >> eric, a lot of people said the bushes have been statesmen, they've not hit below the back, they stand -- below the bell, they stand back, and is it time
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for somebody i to stand up for george w.? >> one of his issues is education. i would like to see him point out that for four years president obama has blamed his brother for all the bad economics, not the education stuff, but i would like to see a little bit more of that, but that's okay. he was sticking up for his brother. that's good. >> most important speech jeb bush gave yesterday was when he talked about the republicans having to reach out to the hispanic community, and that was sort unnoticed. it was early in the morning, but he said without that, we are not going to be a party in 40 years from now, and i think that's true. >> it proves the lo los angeles' mayor point who said republicans just trot out any brown face. we didn't trout out jorge bush or jeb bush and say hola and pander. he makes an excellent point. >> i would like to see jorge. >> when he defended his brother, that hit as a sibling. you're like finally, the sibling
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said stop ragging on my brother. >> they sent to the warnings to the republicans that they're dismissing hispanics. >> he did. i think it was very smart. i like this. i think it was a wide tent. i like that attitude. >> give a quick comment and i'll run to the couple. >> i was going to say i was offended that he only spoke spanish. i was looking forward to esperanto. >> perhaps another time. a lot of people talk about mitt romney, where is the emotion to try and connect to the people. he's not a man as his wife has said that feels comfortable talking about himself. that's his way. he's not a brag ger. people have come forward during the convention to say how their lives have been impacted by him and showing emotion. take a listen to this. >> we live in massachusetts. it was there we met mitt romney and his family. it's been over 30 years since we have lost our son, david.
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>> throughout that agonizing period, mitt took time from his busy schedule to visit david. they developed a loving friendship. how many men do you know would take the time out of their busy live to visit a terminally il14-year-old and help him settle his affairs? we will be ever grateful to mitt for his love and concern. >> i thought it was a nice touch. >> i always have this reflex whenever there's something that is sentimental or emotional on tv to make jokes about it, and i'm sitting at the bar and i'm going here we go, you know. i'm not a big fan, but that was just like -- it was the -- one of the most moving things i've seen, and it was really powerful, and it spoke not just about mitt, but the idea in general that government cannot replace human charity. the difference between charity and show off ac activism is thee people do something out of love. mitt went and helped these
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people out of love, not for career enhancement, for a job in government or media. >> a great point. >> did you notice, and we talked about it on the floor, the story about mitt's father leaving a rose on his mother's bed stand every single day? how she found out that he had passed away because one day the rose wasn't there. the whole place was just like tearing up. >> and these testimonials were so important. in the weeks leading up to this, mitt romney was accused of some pretty heinous things by democrats, murder, that he doesn't care about people. this completely, i think, took the place of those really terrible things. >> those stories aren't true. >> eric is a fixture on the floor of the rnc. you have to look at them from people from the outside. the idea of two people coming up is sweet. every presidential convention i've been to for 12 years, the same thing has happened. you can be guaranteed the democrats will do the same. what was the picture of the
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farmer's wife standing there? >> bob, the candidates leading up to this weren't accused of some of the most terrible things as romney was, so i do think it was really important, and as you know, 10% of voters make their decision on who they'll vote for based on the convention. >> obama has been accused of pretty tough things. >> like what? murder? > being a felon? >> murder and being a felon? >> i think that's worst than being a socialist. i think he would admit he's a socialist? >> i don't think he would. >> he went to socialist gatherings in columbia. have you read his book, "dreams of my father"? helter skelter on friday. coming up, it was romney's big night but clint eastwood might have stolen the show with the chair and that wicked sense of humor of his. >> you're absolutely crazy.
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you're getting as bad as biden. >> our thoughts on the republic national convention performance everyone is talking about. that's next. stay with us on the five.
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>> okay. you want to make my day, huh? i'll start it. you finish it. go ahead. make my day! >> all right. >> clint eastwood firing up the crowds just moments before mitt romney accepted the republican nomination for president. in an unscripted, irref rent, andout right funny skit, he landed hard hitting blows to president obama's failed term. here's more. >> you, we, we own this country, and it's not you owning it and not politicians owning it. politicians are employees of ours. it's important that you realize that you're the best in the world, and whether democrat or
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whether you're a republican or whether you're a libertarian or whatever, you're the best, and we should not ever forget that, and when somebody does not do the job, we've gotta let them go. >> all right. hollywood is bashing clint eastwood's performance but rush limbaugh said something interesting. he touched a nerve with leftist celebrities and the president himself. >> they're like no he didn't and yes, i did. i thought it was great, i loved it. >> were you going to yell make my day? >> we were very enthusiastic. the thing that was great, you didn't know what to expect. you see the backdrop with clint with the hat on and the guns. we right away and turned andingd looked to see if it was all ad lib, nothing on prompter. >> it would have been
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interesting if you had been introduced to your bed the whole four days. >> the one thing you can learn from this is the only thing, the only entity that's in more lock-step than hollywood is a 19th century chain gang. that's why hollywood conservatives are 81 years old because they have to wait for decades before they can come out and speak their mind for fear of actually harming their careers. that's why you see people like clint east wod and the late charlicharlton heston. he said there are more of us than you think. >> i wonder why it makes any sense, first of all, after you bash hollywood celebrities, the republicans, for the last three months, why did you need a guy
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like this on romney's most important night? >> we didn't. that's the whole point. we didn't need him there. it was just fun to have him there. it was fun to finally have somebody who doesn't speak in plat tudes, who doesn't used these canned phrases. >> doesn't speak in platitudes. we don't have to be mental mass chemistmental mass masochists and vote for someone we don't think should be in office? it was a little inside the actor's studio. >> i love anything with the chair. we like that, andrea. good stuff. >> i would take the brain of clint eastwood at 81 o over the vacuousness of eva longoria next week. >> who is eva longoria. >> i know some of the people in your own party were very disappointed when we didn't close gitmo.
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i thought it was just because somebody had a stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown new york city. maybe that was it. >> that one got a huge round of applause. >> that's great stuff. i'm not going to contradict myself. i said celebrities don't influence political candidates. he probably won't have a big influence but he was there to do one thing. he was there to speak out. it's okay to make a change. guess what? even though he's a nice guy, it's okay to make a change. dirty harry says so. >> nothing against barack obama, he's a nice guy, yo like his wi, good family man. he took a shot at the job. don't be afraid to grade the professor and make a change. >> one thing is for sure. mitt romney passed the ceo test last night. he did not pass the presidential test. >> what do you think of this? >> there's nothing better than
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seeing a smart guy who doesn't give a damn and that's clint eastwood living the great life. he is a legend, can say whatever he wants, and it makes hollywood mad. i saw people who were so depressed that their iconic hero is not a phony liberal. >> all right. okay. >> here's some behind the scene stories from the five first road trip to tampa right after gutfeld.
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[ music ] >> i love the stones. so what did i learn this week at my first convention? well, that the staff at the embassy suites in tampa, florida
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are efficient, attractive, and tolerant of new yorkers most pre10 shupretentious demands. ows is dead and owm isn't far behind. first, let's take the protesters who taunted police officers by dangling doughnuts at the end of fishing poles, so clever. so 99%. after refusing to move for a pathetic 15 minutes, the protesters then asked the police for directions to their next protest. yep. the protests asked cops for help after mocking them. if there's anything lower than an occupier, a worm i has probay peed on it. now to owm or old white men. romney's speech was as vanilla as the stuff on is ipod. he did no harm. the standouts turned out to be the women as well as non-caw non-caucasians. if this convention is remembered beyond clint eastwood
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transporting us into an episode of twin peeks, it's that the republicans are starting to look less and less like a maniacally grinning newt. >> so andrea, i want to know. i didn't see you at all this trip. what were you doing? >> that's not true. by the way, we dangled doughnuts in front of bob's face to get him on the set every day. i can't go after occupy wall street for the doughnut dangling stuff. your point on embassy suites, they went above and beyond, carmen, al, lynn, marissa, rob, the general manager, ali and david, you guys are awesome. i'm sorry if i left anyone out. they went above and beyond to accommodate us. they always had a smile on their face which is tough working those long hours, so thank you so much. >> especially the messes that you left in your hotel room and what they had to deal with. how you got a goat in there,
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i'll never know. >> i returned it. >> the petting zoo was shocked. >> funny. >> a couple of pictures. you saw the first one up there. i'm not sure what order they come up in. i had the most fun in my life at this convention. rudy guiliani, throw the next one up. scott walker. let me tell you something about the wisconsin delegation. they let us hang out with them. they were right up front because wisconsin, a swing state, important state. >> great seats, very nice. >> this one happened to be new jersey. look what i found, governor chris christie. fantastic. everyone is just so nice there. had a great time. >> bob, what were your favorite moments. >> my favorite moments? i want to mimic what angie said about the hotel. they were great. the only thing i would say is that their lower rated movies were not nearly as good as they should be. need to upgrade them. >> you won't be expensing those, will you? >> i told the democrats they should worry about the upand coming bench of the republicans.
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on balance, that was a b minus convention. i've been to 12 of them. >> k.g.? >> i loved the embassy suites. one day i was able to eat a cupcake in the bathtub. it was fantastic. >> who brought it to you? >> well, different people from the hotel and lynn brought the sandwich to me. >> they do that for everybody. >> nobody brought a cupcake to me in the bathtub. >> i was so excited. i'm like i may never do this again. housekeeping was amazing. we were hugging at the end. she was wonderful. rob was awesome. i had a problem with my dress and the dry cleaning and he came to my room and he drove it to the dry cleaner. >> who brought the cub cake to your bathroom? >> it was a guy. i can't reveal my sources. andrea, you mentioned all the names, emily, obviously rob, the gm, bob who is an engineer there, chef bill, samantha. you just don't want to leave anyone else. ron from the bingo bus. it was a shuttle bus we used to
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take every day. he was amazing. >> eric wants to thank every wholesale liquor store in the entire area. >> can i just say while you guys were at the convention i went and did a little sight seeing and i brought a couple of pictures of things i went and saw. just about a few miles outside of tampa, and not a lot of people there. can we roll to the next one? this is incredible. if you just go a few miles east of st. petersburg, you see these big large pointy things. i have no idea. >> pyramids. >> this is the tampa canyon, the largest canyon in tampa. i want to point out the -- i forgot the sphynx. there's nobody on the planet like dana. she's more on time than i am. >> and you were carrying her sparkle thing. >> speaking of on time, we had a 4:45 wake up call.
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think you were at the airport at 4. >> i was. >> you didn't go to sleep. >> the journey concert was super. bob, real quick, you had an awakening. you had a cab driver with me named ducky and he taught that u that maybe instead of using words when you get angry, you could use the word duck. >> it's time to get the duck out of here. >> the democratic convention is on deck. who is on deck and who isn't? if you leave now, andrea will eat a live bunny. [ music ] we asked over 3,000 doctors to review 5-hour energy and what they said is amazing. over 73 percent who reviewed 5-hour energy said they would recommend a low calorie energy supplement to their healthy patients who use energy supplements.
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seventy-three percent. 5-hour energy has four calories and it's used over nine million times a week. is 5-hour energy right for you? ask your doctor. we already asked 3,000.
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[ music ] >> hope and change had a powerful appeal, but tonight i'd ask a simple question. if you felt that excitement when you voted for barack obama, shouldn't you feel that way now
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that he's president obama? >> that was mitt romney last night down in tampa, and next week president obama and the democrats get their turn. so bob, what can we expect coming out of north carolina. >> well, strategically they did the right thing. they thought they were ahead marcmarginally. everybody beating up on obama led by greg made the point, it's done. you're going to see the democrats come after romney very, very, very hard. >> they have nothing else to run on. >> not only him but the vice-president very rarely gets a comment. ryan will get a lot of comments. they should, and frankly i intend to for the rest of the campaign, we're going to take this down the level and let the ceo back and manage a vacuum cleaner company. >> i think they're going to overreach. they're going to get so mean-spirited and so nasty and so negative because they have nothing else to run on that it's going to back fire like it has up until this point. they have elizabeth warren,
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eric. i know they're doing that to reach out to the american indian coyote since she's 168% american indian, cherokee. >> the one i want to hear is charlie crist. i'm dying to hear what he has to say. i'm guessing there won't be a debt clock. >> your pay will be protected in court because of bank robbery. . >> i'd rather have somebody running a vacuum company than creating a job vacuum. you'll see three weapons in the arsenal, race warfare, class war warfare, gender warfare. they might add animal warfare, furniture warfare and warfare warfare. can i say one thing? this convention is less of a convention and more of a lilith fair. >> they have john kerry, tim geithner, both men have tax issues, turbo tax tim, john kerry didn't want to pay taxes
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on his yacht. i guess it's okay for him to be rich. they're rolling out bill clinton. aren't you excited to hear what he'll have to say. >> the best politician ever. >> i'm excited to hear bill clinton. that's the one person i think has some credibility and might make some sendings. i wish the administration would listen to him a bit more. isn't it interesting that they have to rely on him. >> call me. >> they wil there were more blae band in the entire republican convention delegation. >> what band are you talking about? >> what are you talking about? >> the band outside had four black people in it. >> there were women. i want to make it clear. there weren't four black people in the rnc. i want your number. such garbage. >> that's garbage. >> that's nonsense. >> tell me how many blacks there were. >> it's not up to me to count them. that's up to liberal democrats like you. >> we're not about quotas. >> do we know tim geithner is going to be there? >> yes, we do.
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he's in my briefing book. >> he should not be there. that's not a place for the treasury secretary. >> this is my point. we have janet napolitano, eric holder, tim geithner. this is the failed administration that they're rolling out. really? they're about to get headhunters for new jobs. >> if your rallying cry is for daddy to buy you more pills, don't you forfeit the right to be a feminist? >> yes. we talked about this many times. they're supposed to be strong, independent women. all of a sudden, when there's a $9 birth control pill, help me. i need man to help me and it has to be obama. >> what were they waiting for. >> they're waiting for the republicans to play theirs out. i think, by the way, i still want to stand firmly in favor of birth control. >> this has nothing to do with birth control. >> i was making a joke. i'm sorry. >> all right. >> i was making a joke. >> it's going to be held in north carolina. this is a state
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-- hold on, bob -- that you even said democrats will not likely win. >> not one of them ever wins if they're a marginal state. >> he got it last time. not a good sign. coming up, princess diana died 15 years ago today and the world is remembering her on this anniversary. we'll look back at her legacy next on the five. [ music ]
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>> 15 years ago today the world lost its most beloved princess, princess diana. she was killed in a crash in a paris tunnel while being chased by a throng of paparazzi. she would have been 51 if she were alive today. kimberly, i have so many memories of it. what do you any? >> i've had a special affection for her. i know andrea does as well. i was able to meet her one time. i know her former husband, prince charles, and the boys, a lovely family. i felt for them having lost a mother when i was 10 years of age. i felt for the boys and i know prince charles really tried to be a great father to them which is tough to fill the absence of
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the love of a mother. i think she was a wonderful person and did a lot in terms of her charitable actions across the world. >> andrea? >> i was so affected by her death, and i don't know why. i bought every single magazine when she passed away. it was my freshman year in college and i remember i set my alarm to wake up for her funeral. i literally sat in bed listening to sarah mcgloughlin reading these magazines. so many questions. if you go -- they said she died in a tunnel. it's really not a tunnel. if you actually go to the site, it's very, very small, so still so many unanswered questions about what happened that night. >> greg, let me ask you something. the paparazzi clearly were following them. they were everywhere they were going. should there be some restrictions put on what happens with these guys? is this their job? >> i used to say that people who become famous or become
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celebrities made their bed, so this is what you get. it's gotten so weird. these guys, when they put your life in ink da, i think maybe there has to be -- i mean, they pay people to cut you off so you send up getting in an accident so they can take pictures. it's crazy. >> there was a lot of cop conspiracy seeies about what had that day. >> i have nothing about princess diana but i'll tell you a paparazzi story. you walk around the convention with these two, kimberly and andrea, and a thousand guys want to take your picture. guys, when you want to take their picture, make sure you know how to use your camera. it takes us an hour. they can't figure out how to use their own camera. >> the house of windsor went out of their way to try to downplay her funeral and it did not work. the british people turned out by the hundreds of thousands, and i thought i her two kids did remarkably well under the circumstances which brings us to
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another situation. greg, do you want to tell us about prince harry. >> do i have to talk about prince harry? i don't want to talk about prince harry because we just had a republican convention, so prince harry to me is like the most irrelevant topic ever. i know we were talking about it in the meeting, but i don't care about prince harry getting naked. we fought a war, so we don't have to talk about prince harry. we don't have royalty here, so i mean, i'm sorry. no. i got nothing. you can quote me as i got nothing. >> they exposed prince harry the way they exposed republicans. >> the sad news and the development was he was found in his hotel room not just with these naked pictures but with cocaine, it's rumored, and it was rumored there was a prostitute there. rich people using drugs, film at 11. this isn't exactly, you know, a jaw dropper, but it is very unfortunate. >> you know what? they're boys. they've handled themself remarkably well up to this point under difficult circumstances and under intense scrutiny.
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>> you were definitely scrutinizing those pictures. >> i did not. >> boys will be boys. i complete understand the events going on in the apartment that night. >> yeah. >> we know. you resemble them. >> you want me to tease? i really had a long day yesterday. >> don't do it. >> one more thing. [ music ]
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>> so strange, those noises that come from yo your body. it's time for one more thing. we'll begin with bob. >> i want to say, first of all, that we had a great week there. people were nice, but our producers did a remarkable job under difficult circumstances. the set down there was nice to an extent. the weather was not nice, but we got through it. on top of all that, i want to thank all of my co hosts because i thought everybody did a remarkably good job under some very trying circumstances. if you had any idea how fast that show changed hour by hour, minute by minute, and in some cases, it broke right in the middle to go to something really exciting like the call of states. >> we also had talented staff here and geraldo loaned us some of his staff. thanks to them, too, for holding
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up the fort. >> i was very impressed with the way things went. a team effort. i also want to take a moment to offer our condolences to my dear friend, gma co-host robin roberts. her mother passed away last night at the age of 88 in gulfport, mississippi. robin and her is i sister did mt home to be by their mother's bedside which is an important thing, especially at a time like that. robin, we want to let you know your family is in our hearts and prayers. she's embarking on treatment. thursday was her last day at gma while she undergoes treatment for a medical illness. her mother was a wonderful human being. she was on the set of gma quite frequently. everybody loved her. she was a beloved education icon as well. real quick photos. journey was great last night. on the convention floor, oprah will fill in, but we can show a couple of the photos.
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there we go. that was my favorite moment with the puert puertory puerto rican. >> if you've got the photo, the flight crew from delta. have you got them? there's the ohio delegation. the fright crew from delta. they love the five, all of them. that's all i got. >> you notice greg's picture in all of these? >> my band phrase, it's for next week, is the -- it's just my face. there you go. war on. anything, war ro on women, war n men, war on pets. i'm declaring a war on the war on blank. >> everyone reach for your kleenex. the jersey shore is ending. october 4th will be the last season. they asked why, and they said we're going to do this as long


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